Election – 2024

Jhapali Samaj USA

Election – 2024

Final Voter List
Patron Members
MemberSpouse Member
0001-PMukunda Dhungana0001-QNirja Dhungana
0002-PDr. Dinesh Mainali0002-QDikshya Mainali
0003-PDilli Thapa0003-QSarita Thapa
0004-PYamuna Bhattarai0004-QNandi Bhattarai
0005-PHem Pathak0005-QSarita Pathak
0006-PPrashanna Sangraula0006-QSushila Dangal
0007-PArjun Dhungel0007-QGita Siwakoti Dhungel
0008-PDr. Khagendra Dahal0008-QParichhya Adhikari
0009-PNeelam Bimali0009-QKalpana Ghorasainee
0010-PMohan Niraula0010-QBimala Niraula
0011-PNarayan Adhikari0011-QShrijana Sitaula
0012-PDr. Shambhu Dhungana0012-QJosephina Dhungana
0013-PKrishna Timsina0013-QSabitra Adhikari Timsina
0014-PPrabudhda Dahal0014-QSandhya Dahal
Associate/Life Members
MemberSpouse Member
0001-AChudamani Prasai0001-BNeelam Paudyal Prasai
0002-ASabitra Oli0002-BYubraj Oli
0003-ASita Pandey0003-BYogesh Upadhya
0004-ATika Poudel0004-BLuna Poudel
0005-AKabindra Sitaula0005-BRanjeeta Sitaula
0006-AGokul Poudyal0006-BSulakshana Poudyal
0007-APradip Timsina0007-BManu Nepal Timsina
0008-AMohan Oli0008-BGita Oli Dhungana
0009-AYam Sitaula0009-BKasi Phuyal Sitaula
0010-ABed Basnet0010-BKimu Ghorshane basnet
0011-ABadal Bhujel0011-BBhawana Bhujel
0012-AGhanashyam Khadka  
0013-APramod Sitaula0013-BNarbada Sitaula
0014-ARam K. Bimali0014-BSharada Bimali
0015-AProf. Dr. Gopi Upreti0015-BSamita Upreti
0016-AAnil Oli0016-BMina Deuja Oli
0017-AKrishna Bhandari0017-BAkrita Bhandari
0018-ALila Khatiwada0018-BJanaki Khatiwoda
0019-ASonu Dhakal0019-BJay Koirala
0020-ANirmal Siwakoti  
0021-AYubraj Khatiwada0021-BSangita Khatiwoda
0022-ADeepak Pandey0022-BBhagwati D Prasai Pandey
0023-AGauri Risal Ramesh Risal
0024-AKalpana Pandey Hari Pandey
0025-APuspanjali Thapa N/A
0026-ADr. Parshuram Dahal0026-BSharada Dahal Bhattarai
0027-AKrishna Khatiwada0027-BAshmita Guragain
0028-ASrijana Gurung0028-BPrakash Gurung
0029-AYubaraj Khanal0029-BHimadevi Khanal
0030-AKhagendra Adhikari0030-BMaya Adhikari
0031-ABhesh Raj Mainali0031-BSunita Mainali
0032-ADr. Toya Baral0032-BSita Khatiwada
0033-ARamesh Khanal0033-BPratima Bhattarai Khanal
0034-ARavi Vasistha0034-BSavita Vasistha
0035-AGopal Gartaula0035-BSumita Koirala
0036-AShradha Adhikari  
0037-ABhesh R. Siwakoti0037-BUsha Shiwakoti
0038-ADipak Bhattarai  
0039-APrem Sagar Baskota0039-BShova Pathak
0040-ASandesh Uprety0040-BSabita Subedi Uprety
0041-ADev Raj Neupane0041-BRama Neupane
0042-AGopal Pyakurel0042-BSanta Pyakurel
0043-ANiraj Timsina0043-BAmrita Khanal Timsina
0044-AAnil Dulal0044-BRadhika Pyakurel
0045-ASurya Prasad Adhikari  
0046-ADashrath Uprety0046-BTuka Devi Upreti
0047-AMohan K. Uprety0047-BLaxmi Prasai Uprety
0048-ABhupal Kattel0048-BSabita khatiwada
0049-ABikash Upreti0049-BReena Tamrakar Upreti
0050-ABhupendra Neupane0050-BN/A
0051-ABinu Khatiwada  
0052-AAshish Sangroula0052-BDeepa Oli
0053-ANarayan Siwakoti0053-BSita Siwakoti
0054-AChabilal Homagain0054-BTulsa Homagain
0055-AToya Poudyal0055-BKamala Poudyal
0056-ABhuma Poudel Kharel0056-BMohan Kharel
0057-ARaj Kumari Oli0057-BN/A
0058-AKuber Sangroula0058-BSarada Sangraula
0059-ASantosh Prasai0059-BRekha Sitoula
0060-APrabin Khadka0060-BN/A
0061-AKala Chudal Dahal0061-BGanesh Dahal
0062-APradip Adhikari0062-BTika D Thapa
0063-AGuna Raj Luitel0063-BSita Kharel Luitel
0064-AKedar Prasad Giri0064-BSova Adhikari Giri
0065-ADurga Sitaula0065-BChetan Sitaula
0066-APrem Sangroula0066-BManju Sangroula
0067-AKhagendra Uprety0067-BPramila Sitaula
0068-ARudra Dhungel0068-BBimala Adhikari Dhungel
0069-ALekha Niroula0069-BSunita Adhikari
0070-ADr. Madan Uprety0070-BAnamika Uprety
0071-AUmesh Niraula0071-BGuras Niraula Basnet
0072-ASaroj Uprety0072-BBabita Sharma Uprety
0073-AMadan Pathak0073-BMausami Pathak
0074-ANabin Pokharel0074-BMira Pokharel
0075-ASurya Prasai0075-BSita Upreti Prasai
0076-ALaxmi Mishra0076-BSangita Bajagai Mishra
0077-AIndira Adhikari0077-BBhairab Prasad Adhikari
0078-AManish Pokhrel0078-BBandana Pokhrel
0079-ATara Uprety Subedi0079-BDamber Subedi
0080-AMedani Adhikari0080-BAnju Kafle Adhikari
0081-AMahendra Basnet0081-BPabitra Basnet
0082-ADr. Kumar Mainali0082-BBina Gajurel-Mainali
0083-ADurgesh J. Karki0083-BNilima Karki
0084-AChakrapani Mishra0084-BRita Mishra
0085-ARajendra Dulal0085-BMaya Prasai
0086-AUtsav Gautam0086-BBarsha Dangal
0087-ADipendra Guragain0087-BLaxmi Dhungana
0088-ARadha Dhamala  
0089-ATika Lamsal0089-BRenuka Khanal
0090-AArun Rupakheti  
0091-ASulab Bimali N/A
0092-ASantosh Khadka  Kritika Basnet
0093-AAbishek Rai0093-BRanjana Dahal
0094-ARoshan Bimali0094-BJyoti Baral Bimali
0095-ABharat Sharma N/A
0096-ABikendra Bohora  Rakshya Bhattarai
0097-ASurya Adhikari0097-BKalpana Bhattarai
0098-ARK Sunraj Mamata Koirala
0099-AUjwal Ray Chandani Ray
0100-AGopal Gartoula N/A
0101-AGita Mainali0101-BDevendra Siwakoti
0102-ARajendra Pandey0102-BAditi Pandey
Nomination CALL for Jhapali Samaj USA

Executive Board positions
Board Term: 2025-2028 (Three Years)

Dear Jhapali Samaj USA Friends, Families, and Community Members,
We, The Jhapali Samaj USA Election Committee 2024, would like to take this opportunity to thank the Jhapali Samaj USA for assigning us to conduct Jhapali Samaj USA Election 2024 and constitute the new executive committee 2025 -2028.
We, the members of Jhapali Samaj USA Election Committee 2024 would also like to assure you that we will do our best to conduct a free and fair election. At this time, we would like to announce the details of the Jhapali Samaj USA Election 2024.
Jhapali Samaj USA officially announce the election of upcoming board of directors (Executive Committee) which is going to be held schedule (date) as given blow.

Election is open for the positions as given below:
Jhapali Samaj USA Election Committee hereby calls for the nomination to serve in the following positions.
1. President – 1
2. Senior Vice President – 1
3. Vice President – 4
4. General Secretary – 1
5. Secretary – 1
6. Treasurer – 1
7. Assistant Treasurer – 1
8. Women Coordinator – 1
9. Youth Coordinator – 1
10. Media Coordinator and Spokesperson – 1
11. SC Coordinator will become ex officio NEC member (maximum of 5). If there are more then 5 states have chapters, then the NEC will nominate 5 states coordinators presidents in the NEC 5
12. Executive Members (maximum of 11) – 11
13. Immediate Past President – As Ex-Officio Member (No nomination require)

Dates of the election processes and filing fees:
1. Voter List Publication: 11/ 30/ 2024
2. Any revision or modification on voter list: 12/ 02/ 2024
3. Nomination submission: 12/ 04/ 2024 from 6:00 AM (PST) to 12/ 07/ 2024 until 11:00 PM (PST)
4. Publication of initial List of Candidates: The candidates list will be published by 11:59 PM (PST), December 10, 2024.
5. Withdrawal of nomination: Candidates can officially withdraw their nomination by 6:00 pm (PST), December 12, 2024, or before. Please, email all or any members of the Jhapali Samaj USA Election Committee (Only written email is considered as official).
6. Final candidates list publication: Final candidates list will be published by 11:59 PM (PST), December 15, 2024
7. Election period (if there are multiple nomination received): 12/ 20/ 2024 6:00 AM (PST) to 12/ 26/ 2024 until 11: 00 PM (PST)
8. Final Election result announcement: The result of the election will be declared on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
9. Oath taking of newly elected officers: Saturday, January 04, 2025

Filing fee are as follows:
(Please pay the correct filing fee in US Dollar)
1. President – $1000.00 (One thousand)
2. Senior VP – $500.00 (Five hundred)
3. Vice President – $400.00 (Four hundred)
4. General Secretary $300.00 (Three hundred)
5. Secretary $200.00 (Two hundred)
6. Treasurer $200.00 (Two hundred)
7. All other positions $100.00 (One hundred)

Method of payment of Nomination Filing Fee:
1. Using Zelle:
Please send the required filing fees directly to the Jhapali Samaj USA Zelle Account at info@jhapali.org
(This Zelle address is associated with our official Bank account in the “Jhapali Samaj USA.”)

2. Using check Payable to:  Jhapali Samaj USA
provide a memo and send it to the address below
Memo: “Nomination filing fee payment.”
Mailing address:
Khagendra Adhikari
Jhapali Samaj USA
Election Commission 2024
2914 Huntington Grove Square
Alexandria, VA 22306

The nomination fee is non-refundable.

All communication should be directed to:
Dr. Shambhu Dhungana
Chief Election commissioner
Email: spdhungana@yahoo.com

Mr. Khagendra Adhikari
Election Commissioner
Email: adhikarikhagendra@hotmail.com

Mr. Dilli Thapa
Election Officer
Email: thapa_dr@yahoo.com

Election Guidelines:
The Following Election Guidelines must be maintained while filing for a nomination. Any failure to adhere to the guidelines will automatically terminate the nomination.

1. Interested members can self-nominate to only one position. No multiple nomination and secondary filing required.
2. Nominee must be a valid member of Jhapali Samaj USA and should be in the member list provide by Jhapali Samaj USA president to the Election Commission.
3. The following information about the nominee must be provided:
•  Full Name:
• Current mailing address:
• Valid e-mail address:
• Verifiable phone number:
• Name of the position:
• Receipt to the payment of nomination filing fee

4. Nominees must meet the following criteria:
• Should be 18 years or older and a member of Jhapali Samaj USA.
•  Should meet the criteria for a candidate as per Jhapali Samaj USA By-Laws.
• Should send a formal candidacy email to Jhapali Samaj USA Election Committee 2024 with your position, and proof of filing fee payment before the deadline.

5. The Election Committee reserves the right to correct, modify and revise any materials and provisions related to Jhapali Samaj USA Election 2024 if any typos and/or conflicts arise, and its decision will be the final decision.

6. Election notices and details will also be published on the Jhapali Samaj USA email: info@jhapali.org  Jhapali Samaj USA website, social media and other public media.

7. Mode of Election:   Electronic Voting
8. We encourage everyone who received this email shall help forwarding the message to anyone who might be interested in serving Jhapali Samaj USA Executive board.

On behalf of the Election commission 2024, Jhapali Samaj USA

Best regards,
Dr. Shambu Dhungana
Chief Election Commissioner

Mr. Khagendra Adhikari
Election Commissioner

Mr.Dilli Thapa
Election Officer
Election commission 2024
Jhapali Samaj USA